These are a few of my favorite posts (highlights of the blog so far)

Can you hear the Sound of Music song after reading the title of this blog? Yes? You’re welcome.

Soon I will start traveling again and there is a post coming up about what my plans are, but before we look to the future, I would like to stop for a second and appreciate my past self for the amazing things she wrote! I spent all afternoon scrolling through my old posts, and I love them!

When you travel you really get back to the basics of life. Figuring out new things, meeting new people, being on your own… There is a lot of wisdom in that, and I am so glad I shared this wisdom when I was abroad.

I know there will be a lot of different people reading my blog from now on, as it’s been a few years. And not only have some of my friends changed, there is also a lot of other people that know my name and like to follow what I do (on a small scale, I am in no way a travel influencer XD), so welcome!

I thought it would be nice to quickly recap the traveling I did five years ago, by sharing five of my favorite posts on the blog so far.

  1. My experiences at the 10 day silent meditation retreat.
    It’s quite a long read, but it’s very funny – if I do say so myself. Not talking to people for 10 days does something to you hahaha!
  2. How I ended up in the back of a cop car on New Years Eve.
    This is one of those everything-seems-to-go-wrong-but-it-was-meant-that-way stories.
  3. Ups and downs of a mountain (and travel).
    This describes a very deep low, and the silver lining that came after.
  4. Daily life in Jakarta.
    I lived here for five months to do an internship, and in this blog post I tell you more about the day to day!
  5. What to expect from a bus ride from Vietnam to Cambodia.
    This was at the time my worst travel experience, but in hindsight a hilarious memory.

I’d recommend one or more of the above, but if – like me – you cannot get enough, here are a few more that are a bit shorter, and you may also enjoy:

  1. Running into an old friend.
    ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. The greatest coincidence ever.
  2. How I became an instant millionaire by traveling.
    I was big on clickbait-like titles and I will not apologise for it.
  3. Extreme highs and extreme lows.
    Yes. Again. That’s traveling for ya.
  4. The power of communication (and languages).
    This is about how your personality changes based on how fluent you are in a language.
  5. Creating your own normal
    A motivational blog about saying ‘screw you’ to societal norms ;)